Thursday, September 4, 2008

Vinnitza, Ukraine - New Airport To Open In Uman

A recent development in the city of Vinnitza may produce some real benefits for visitors to Uman, where Rebbe Nachman of Breslov is buried. As explained by the Chief Rabbi of Vinnitza, R’ Shaul Horowitz, who is a Chabad-Lubavitch emissary serving in the region, the ‘Gavrishovka’ airport in Vinnitza is being re-opened by the local government. Once renovations to the runway are completed, it will have the capacity to receive aircraft.

This is good news, particularly for Breslover Chassidim, who often fly to visit the Rebbe’s Kever in Uman, especially for Rosh Hashana. This year, Uman saw over 20,000 visitors. While this question was raised with local authorities previously on numerous occasions, it is only this year that this project is actually attainable, with the flight route Tel Aviv-Vinnitza being scheduled. While such flights cannot accommodate all Chassidim who make their way to Ukraine, this is certainly a benefit for many.

Such a development is noteworthy, since it significantly lightens the load on those making the trip to Uman. Vinnitza is located between several sites that often receive Jewish visitors. It is 90 km from Mezhibozh, 80 km from Berditchev, and 160 km from Uman. In addition to this,Vinnitza is situated close to Breslov, separated by a small distance of 30 km.

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