Sunday, September 7, 2008 5:50pm: Crown Heights Shmira received a call on the hot-line from a Crown Heights resident requesting help to file a Police report regarding a stolen mezuza. The resident, who lives at 1442 Union Street had last seen her mezuza on Friday. She recalled reading on Shmais.com that Shmira had responded to a call where mezuzas were stolen in another building on Union Street within the past week. The resident whose mezuzas went missing over Shabbos called Shmais.com to inform him of the fact. Shmais.com advised the resident to call Shmira. Shmira members responded and advised the resident to call 911. Police Officers arrived and after inquiring about the value of the mezuza and whether this had happened before on the neighborhood, filed a report.
Source: Shmais.com
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