Friday, September 5, 2008

Brooklyn, NY - Sen. Adams Calls For Diversity Day Of All Races, But He Forgets It’s Shabbos Jews Won’t Attend

Brooklyn, NY - Brooklyn residents of all races and genders — and even species — are invited this weekend to Celebrate our Diversity Day, an event organized by state Senator Eric Adams.

The day is designed to “observe and honor the multiplicity of ethnicities, cultures, religions, and lifestyles that make up our great borough,” Mr. Adams said. It will bring together residents for a community dog run in Prospect Park on Saturday morning and a bike ride later through several neighborhoods, including Bedford-Stuyvesant, Park Slope, Crown Heights, and Borough Park.

Mr. Adams said yesterday that he felt compelled to create the event after a series of hate crimes in Crown Heights earlier this year.

“I realized we don’t know each other well enough as neighbors,” Mr. Adams said in an interview. “Instead of fearing our diversity, I think we should celebrate living in a diverse environment.”

According to Mr. Adams, bringing pet owners together both fosters a closer-knit community and provides a metaphor for his diverse district, which includes significant Jewish, Asian, African-American, Latino, and Caribbean communities.

“If we just see how German shepherds and poodles can play together, then clearly Irish and African-Americans can associate as well,” Mr. Adams said.

The bike portion is intended to give residents a view of neighborhoods they may not be familiar with and showcase the many ethnic groups that occupy Mr. Adams’s district. According to Mr. Adams, if the event proves a success he will mount an effort to create a citywide Celebrate our Diversity Day as well.

Source: NY Sun

1 comment:

rrrina said...

I understand your concern. I would just like to share with you the fact that, as a non-religious Jew, I participated in the first part of the event (the dog part)!
It was absolutely fabulous. And, in fact, quite a few non-religious Jews participated. Sadly, I could not join the group for the second part since I have a flare-up of bursitis of the knee.

Maybe next year the event can be scheduled to allow for the participation of everyone.

I, for one, think this is wonderful concept. Our world needs more tolerance, understand, and compassion. An event like this is a good place to start.

Rina Deych, RN