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Sunday, September 7, 2008
Munkatcher Rebbe In Hospital
Sources are reporting that the Munkatcher Rebbe, R' Moshe Yehuda Leib Rabinovich, has been hospitalized in a weakened condition after an incident on Sunday requiring medical attention.
Although his condition is subject to change at any time, as of Sunday evening it is being reported that doctors are hopeful that he will be discharged on Monday.
He has ben having alot of agmas nefesh from a certain chosid of his in Australia who is apparently disrupting the kehilla their!
MZF in Australia is a chushever Yingermun who wants to become Rosh-Hakul to make shur that the kehilla there becomes chassidish. The problem are the moderna NOT HIM!
He has ben having alot of agmas nefesh from a certain chosid of his in Australia who is apparently disrupting the kehilla their!
I hope that the Rebbe has a refuah shleima bikarov. Klal yisroel needs him!
MZF in Australia is a chushever Yingermun who wants to become Rosh-Hakul to make shur that the kehilla there becomes chassidish. The problem are the moderna NOT HIM!
I just heard that the
Munkaczer Ruv returned home baruch hashem late Tuesday night.
Lets hope that MZF will stop giving the Rebbe Agmas Nefesh.
MZF is currently busy with helping police down under!
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