Friday, September 5, 2008

Chicago, IL - VP Candidate Biden: Powerful Israeli AIPAC Lobbyist Do Not Speak For The Entire Jewish Community

It is quite a swipe at the organized Jewish community that the Jerusalem Post is reporting Senator Biden has launched against the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. "I take a backseat to no one — including Aipac — when it comes to supporting Israel," the Post quotes the Delaware Democrat just chosen as Senator Obama's running mate as saying. "They don't speak for the entire Jewish community. There are other organizations that are just as strong and consequential," he said. "Aipac does not speak for the State of Israel."

Well, it is true that Aipac does not speak for the state of Israel; it is not a foreign agent. But Aipac is the formal voice of the pro-Israel lobby in America, and through its governance structure, represents the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations that is the umbrella group for the Jewish community in this country. Aipac has not publicly criticized Mr. Biden, though it did take different stances than he did on some Iran-related legislation. Aipac has described Mr. Biden as pro-Israel, a description whose accuracy we do not dispute.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To know how Senator Obama and his cohorts truly feel about Jews, and a host of other topics, one has only to explore Senator Obama's early connections -- particularly those he wishes we did not know about and upon which the media prefers not to report. A glaring example is his pre-college friend, the wealthy and influential Khalid al-Mansour, who raised money for him and helped him get into Harvard. Al-Mansour is frightfully anti-Jewish, racist, and pro-Islam. No one will vet Obama or pay attention to his associations. These are real, not conspiracy theories. America, wake up from the Kool-Aid trance!